Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kellogg's Leads with Voluntary Ad Restraints

Kellogg has announced it will voluntarily phase out all advertising of its products to children under the age of 12 years over the next 18 months unless the product meets specific nutrition guidelines. While the action comes under some duress - threatened lawsuits that are now being dropped - it does point the way for what the industry group SHOULD be doing now that it's been meeting for 8 months as well as the FTC task force on media and childhood obesity .

The president and chief executive of Kellogg , David Mackay, said that the products that did not meet the guidelines would either be reformulated so that they did, or no longer be advertised to children...

In the same announcement , Kellogg will also be placing some nutrition information on the front of their cereal boxes. Finally some point-of-choice education that begins to make sense (rather than hiding the complex nutrient tables on side panels).

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