Friday, June 22, 2007

Eco-Friendly Toys for Tots

The makers of Green Babies, the world's largest selection of certified organic cotton clothes for babies and kids, today announced the launch of their new, made in US wooden toy collection, Earth to Kid. While recent studies have suggested that plastic toys may leech a number of potentially dangerous chemicals including phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors and possible human carcinogens, these wooden toys will be made in the U.S. from non-threatened hardwoods instead. And that means that while your toddler is busy putting them in their mouth for an exploratory taste you won't have to worry about any of these toxins potentially leaching into their developing bodies to undo all the good from that organic baby food you've been feeding them. So far they’ve come out with heirloom quality baby rattles, building blocks, a school bus with removable people, and a train whistle, and there are more toys planned for holiday release. If you’d like to give them a shot while their new website is nearing completion the toys can currently be found at most Whole Foods Markets in Southern California, as well as several others in Austin, Houston, and NYC as well.

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