Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Global Resources Touts Plastics-To-Energy Conversion Ratio

Jul 10 2007

globalresourcecorp.jpgGlobal Resource Corporation says that results from tests prove that the company’s energy conversion process can produce oil and “vast amounts of combustible gas” from recycled plastics.

Energy conversion machines operate at capacities of 5, 10 or 20 tons of material per hour. The process generates energy from plastics or rubber, and can produce up to 18 times the energy that is used to fuel the machine, according to the company. A 10 ton per hour unit operates on 950,000 btu per hour, and the process can generate on average of 17,300,000 btu per hour output.

Global Resource says that by using its technology, scrappers and recyclers can convert plastics and rubber into oil and combustible gas. By doing so, they can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills by up to 65 percent, generate enough energy to run their own operations, separate and scrap more metal for profit, and generate enough energy to sell to outside interests.

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